
Local Mom REVIEW on Dizzy's Family Fun Center in Longmont

from Yours Truly...

By Michele Pullo February 16, 2017

Two kids with the same birthday, 5 years apart.  One boy, one girl.  How will I ever make birthday parties work?!  My husband said we'll save money on cakes.  Haha! Early on it wasn't too bad, my daughter didn't know the difference for the first few years.  Then she did and the challenge began! 

This year I had to figure out where to hold a combo party for my two February babies.  It's too unpredictable to consider a outside party so I started my search for an indoor party.  My daughter had been to a birthday party at Dizzy's Family Fun Center and LOVED it.  It was the first time for both of us and she immediately had her heart set on Dizzy's for HER birthday.  They make it easy to play the many games available by simply scanning a card to pay.  No more buckets of dirty tokens to haul around!  My daughter is pretty active and athletic so I was happy to see their Jr. Ninja course where the kids could get their energy out! 

Now, would my son have fun here??  My question was answered as soon as I saw the Laser Tag "Sugar Mill" room.   Nothing more was needed for my boy! 

I booked the party on their easy to access website and learned that I could upgrade my son's friends to unlimited laser tag the day of the party.  My daughter had a huge guest list.  1st grade meant we invited the whole class, yikes! plus other friends not in her class.  My son only wanted a small group of friends so that helped.  We were moving last year and they didn't have much of a celebration so this year we were ready to indulge a bit.  The thing is; Dizzy's offers a great package for a big group!  You can add on all kinds of options if you want them:  extra food, drinks, game cards, goodie bags, etc. 

Here's what I loved:  they include the pizza, the drinks, balloons, plates, napkins, plastic ware and a lovely party host.  SO much easier than having 30 kids in my house!  The kids had a blast!  Everyone was happy and tired at the end of the party.  My mission was complete.  I highly recommend Dizzy's for your kid's parties, hopefully not on the same day.  ; )

This weekend they have a soft opening of their new attraction, a Nerf Battle Arena!  Kids will be going crazy for this!  I guess we'll be going back soon!