
Keep Learning Through the Holiday Break

By Cherilyn Ashley, Tutoring Excellence of Longmont December 13, 2018

Holiday break, a wonderful time to spend with family, go skiing or snowboarding and
spending time in the outdoors. Moms report that holiday break is all about chasing after
one’s children. Many moms tell us, “the Holiday break is for my children not for me.”
As a society, we have created a school break were students believe they have a
complete reprieve from learning and a time just for fun. Learning though should never
take a break. Children’s brains should be constantly stimulated to learn, but this doesn’t
mean a classroom setting. Learning during the holiday break should be a time for
hands-on learning that engages creativity and targets a child’s interests. Before they
know it, they are having fun, engaging in activities and are learning new concepts.

Here are a few ideas to help your child keep learning and keep moms sane through the
holiday break.

Plan a meal. Children learn time-management, math, reading, writing and an
art skill. Provide a cookbook or have your child search an online cooking site to
find a simple recipe for a meal. Being a mom and giving up one’s kitchen can
be a difficult proposition but letting one’s children be in charge will maximize the
learning experience. Be there to answer questions, keep children safe, and
assist whenever needed. Model to them how to create a shopping list. Have
them estimate cooking times and prepare a meal schedule. Most of all don’t be
afraid to let your children spice up one’s life.

Make a craft. Children learn art skills, develop time-management, dexterity, and
engage their creative juices. No better time than the holidays to create crafts. A
simple craft idea is to have children make holiday cards for their relatives. One
can also go to the internet and find thousands of simple craft ideas. To even
make it more exciting integrate other aspects of art, such as clay, paint, and
drawing materials to make this craft time memorable.

Visit the Library. Yes, libraries do still exist. In many cases the programs the
libraries offer have changed dramatically since we were kids. Throughout the
holiday’s libraries offer many activities and events for children. The library is the
best destination for children to explorer their passion for reading. This is a great
chance for children to explore subjects that interest them.

Explore museums. Museums teach children about science, history, the arts,
build depth to learning, and so much more. Museums offer the opportunity to
enjoy quality fun time together, so make it a family outing. After the trip, follow
up with a simple writing assignment about what they saw and experienced.